Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Blog for Better Austin Today

Better Austin Today has evolved from print and word-of-mouth advertising to the 21st Century blogosphere.

This venue is where we will post ideas, thoughts, rants, raves, and diatribes about all the issues we at Better Austin Today see as important to the public of Austin. We at Better Austin Today will do our best to cover the hardest issues that face City Hall today and will continue to do so in the future, and promise that the comments and views expressed here will be given in all honesty and are, in our opinion, essential for the betterment of the city of Austin.

Keep posted to this site for more in-depth analysis of Austin's most pressing local issues.


Sal Costello said...

Happy to see this new blog!


swbookscout said...

We are losing the unique character of this once beautiful city hour by hour as the Chamber and the Downtown Business Alliance carry out their plans for short-term profits by turning Austin into just another cookie-cutter Dallas subdivision. Have you ever seen any uglier architecture than some of these "vertical mixed use" projects that have been thrown up? Hope the BATPAC can push for better candidates with some real vision that can stand up to the Chamber and the "shadow government" that really runs Austin. In addition, Austin has become one of the most expensive cities in the USA with absolutely out-of-control taxes and endless "fees." Progressives should also be addressing the spiraling tax issue but they don't seem to be. Taxes are driving long-time residents out of the city
with each and every additional tax increase by AISD, the Travis County Health Care District, etc. Progressives need to get out front on the run-away tax issue because it is just a matter of time until a whole slate of council members is elected on this rising tax issue. You had better hope they share your values when they arrive at City Hall. Several Dallas suburbs rejected additional tax increases for their school districts this week in elections that, of course, were not reported in the Statesman.